Thursday, July 5, 2007


Blake, not enjoying being on camera

Drew, flapping and squawking at the sofa like he normally does. Blake is talking in the background. He said, "Garage", "I'm ready", and "jump!"


theotherlion said...

I love the Liberty Days pictures. My guy is still at the stage where he wants to eat the camera--unless someone he isn't as comfortable with is holding it. I love how he told you he wanted to watch TV. My family is having a reunion in August, and my cousin (23yrs/FX) already has his bag packed and is picking out movies to watch with us.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! I got tears when i saw the videos because I was so happy to see other kids do the same as mine. Mathieu burys himself under the blanket just like that when a camera or camcorder is around. I used to take so many pics of him when he was playing with his cars that he now plays with his cars with the blanket over his head!!

And Matty also burys himself in the furniture and squawks at it too.

Thanks for sharing them!!

Kristiem10 said...

Yay! I shared the videos on a message board of moms with mostly typical kids, and I think people didn't really know what to make of it. Because, obviously it is strange behavior. But, they're my kids, and that's what they do. We seriously have to get a handle on the hitting, though.

a said...

We have lots of wrestling and sqwuaking with each other now--but the couch video took me back! Now they have lots of fun wrestling with each other, and usually keep it toned down enough so no one gets hurt. Lots of laughing and I don't mind too much, although it does get very loud!