Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Admittedly Grumpy

So, yesterday we heard that we were supposed to get up to eight inches of snow, starting around midnight. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for today, so, since the doctor is an hour away, I decided I better cancel it. I didn't want to, but I figured school would be cancelled, and it would be easier. I rescheduled for the next available appointment on March 5.

Fast forward to this morning. Eric had set the alarm for six so he could get up and shovel the drive. My stupid head hurt, and Eric said, "Did it snow?" "How am I supposed to know?" I snapped. I tried to go back to sleep, but seven minutes later, the alarm clock went off again. I got up and looked out the window. Not much snow at all. No need to even shovel. Now I am irritated because I could have kept my appointment.

Eric was snoring and I got back in bed and tried to go to sleep. Apparently the alarm had woke Blake up because he started a chorus of "Mom-my! Mom-my! Mom-my!!" I went in and told him that it was still night time, and he had to go back to sleep. Not that it was nighttime at 6 in the morning, but it was worth a try. Back to bed. "Mom-my! Mom-my!" The phone rings. Back up. The automated call from the school. Two hour delay. I went back to bed and tried to go to sleep. By now I was resentful of Eric's snoring, the darn alarm clock that he set unnecessarily early, the way he pulled covers his direction each time he hit the snooze button. And his ability to start snoring again thirty seconds later. Oh wait, I already mentioned the snoring. I laid in bed, stewing in my irritation. Why?! Then again, why not? It was 6:15 and I'm usually up by then, anyway.

"Mommymommymommymommy!" yelled Blake. I give up and make a conscious effort to put away my grumpiness. I got dressed and went in his room. "Hi Mommy! I want some milk." And so, another day begins.

*edited to say that Drew's school is closed and so is Blake's. So it is good that I cancelled my appointment after all. :)


Chris said...

Kristie, I think my travels are hectic, until I read your blog. The flight delays aren't that bad compared to MOMMY MOMMY crys and snoring(of course I never hear my snoring)

"commenting from deep inside the "Happiest Place on Earth"

Kristiem10 said...

Ahh, the D-Land Underground. I'd love to see that. And I am sure it is warm where you are, too, right?

Mark said...

Hope you feel better. Yes, the snow (NOT!) was a real pain!

Anonymous said...

Looks like our morning was about the same! Annoyed with our husbands who wont wake up!!!!!!!!