Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday Randomness

1. I think I need to get more sleep. I can barely drag myself out of bed in the morning. I go to bed around eleven, but six o'clock comes way too early. I asked Eric to get up with the kids this morning, and he said, "Why?" I said, "I'm so tired!" He said, "Well, I'm tired too." Gee, thanks, darling.

2. I should actually be packing Drew's lunch right now. Carol will be here in a half hour. He is not even dressed yet.

3. I started the book The Other Boleyn Girl last night. So far, it is really good. I have read a little over 100 pages. I have about 500 more to go.

4. Blake has renewed his love of Woody. He has been watching Toy Story a lot lately. One activity he learned from watching it is catapulting Woody into the air by using the footrest of the recliner.

5. I have joined a Fragile X Webring. There are other fragile X blogs out there. Scroll down on the right side of the page. You can click "Next" and it will take you to another FX blog. OR you can click HERE to see a list of all participants.

That is all for now. Off to get someone ready for school.


Mark said...

They have made your book into,a movie comming out March 4,2008