Saturday, May 19, 2007


Drew is orally defensive, and it is a struggle to get a toothbrush in his mouth. I noticed awhile back that he has a bit of plaque on his teeth. So, I decided it was time to bump up toothbrushing on the prioity list. I got out the toothbrush, and put a dab of toothpaste on it. I told him we were going to brush his teeth. He said, "No Mommy. No brushing." I told hiim he could brush his teeth or mommy would do it. He said I should do it, and handed me his brush. I advanced toward his mouth and he yelled, "No Mommy! You brush MOMMY'S teeth!" lol. Eventually we got him to swipe across his front teeth a couple times, called it a success and decided to try again later.


Leanne said...

Oh, I so relate - Justin hates to have his teeth brushed. We haven't been able to find a way to do it without making everybody miserable.

theotherlion said...

Hi! I found your blog through another FX mommy. My name is Erika, and I have am a single mom of a 2 year old with FX Syndrome. (I have a full mutation myself.) I had him tested at birth, so I've known since he was a month old. Your boys are beautiful. Please visit my blog at

theotherlion said...

Oh-yes, soem fish would like a bicycle. =) And, can I link your blog from mine?

Unknown said...

do you think a battery operated toothbrush with a character on it would help? I could try to pick one from school before I leave.

Kristiem10 said...

Jen, we have a Dora the Explorer spinbrush. Unfortunately, the motor noise scares him. We bought some Sonicare toothbrushes, which are quieter than the spinbrushes, so we are hoping to get him comfortable with the regular brush in his mouth first, then ease into the Sonicare. I think we'll probably end up going to a sedation dentist at Children's and have them clean both boys' teeth, then if there is any additional work, they can do it all at once.

Kristiem10 said...

Erika, sure you can link me. I am assuming it is ok if I link to yours? If not, let me know.

theotherlion said...

My guy is only two, so I just hold him down with his head in my lap and brush. But pretty soon he is going to be stronger than me! And I don't want it to be a big scary thing, either, so I let him play with the brush on his own a lot. He likes the toothpaste and will put the brush in his mouth, but that's it. He just hates anyone's hands being near his head--much less his mouth. I tried a vibrating spoon/biting tool from Super Duper Inc for a while. The OT had great success with it, but I didn't so much. Anyway, it is VERY quiet and very gentle. Maybe that would be a place to start. I'm not sure they have toothbrush attatchments, but at least it would be similar to the sonicare--a way to ease him in. But my guy hated the vibrating brushes with the characters, too. I think it's because just the tip of it spins in a circle. I wouldn't want it in my mouth.....

Kristiem10 said...

Drew used to like vibration, and it was very calming to him. He had a oral-motor thing that vibrated. He used slobber all over that thing. But he developed more aversions as he got older, and now he hates it. And, as an almost-seven year old, he's really strong, and I could force the issue if I sat on him, but I don't want to traumatize the boy. lol!

George said...

With persuasion, showing them the benefits of having good clean teeth will keep them away from painful instances of cavities and tooth decay. When I first had my cousin sleep at our house, instead of me telling him to brush his teeth, it became the reverse of it. I was surprised that there are kids who love brushing their teeth. A few weeks later, I brought him to visit my Myrtle Beach dentist for my regular dental check-up, since he never stepped foot on a place like that before. For the second time, he made me amazed, he wasn't scared at all, and he bugged me to get him checked there next time.