Thursday, August 30, 2007

Boring-ish Randomness

1. Drew likes his new school now. He doesn't beg me to stay home anymore. He told me the other day, "Joe is my friend." I said, "Joe who?" He said, "Siah." Drew has a classmate named Josiah. Apparently Drew thinks his name is Joe Siah. lol!

2. Our community is having a garage sale day in a week or so. Eric and I decided it was a good time to go through the toyboxes looking for all the toys they don't play with. Of course, as soon as I put certain toys on the pile, they were grabbed right up and played with like it was their favorite.

3. My niece Ashley and her boyfriend are coming over tonight for pizza. I mentioned it to Drew this morning, and he talked to his aide/driver the whole way home about it.

4. I got a note from Blake's teacher that said as soon as they get outside on the playground, Blake loves to yell, "Barb and Linda's class, time to line up!" like it is time to go in.

Eric took the day off tomorrow, so he doesn't have to work Friday through Monday. He is geeked about it. His plans? Mow the grass. Exciting, huh?


shoeaddict said...

I'm loving the Josiah thing.

Anonymous said...

Matthew is the commander on the playground too. He keeps those kids in