Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's all fun and games until someone gets naked.

This time, it would be Blake. We went to Wal-Mart, or as Drew calls it, No-Mart, to pick up a prescription for Eric. The didn't have a copy of our insurance card, so I brought it in for the pharmacist to enter into his little computer. "It'll just take a few minutes. Check back in a little bit", said he. So, I went and looked for some things on Blake's school supply list. Specifically, a change of clothes. We got to the kids' department, where he immediately began pummeling me from his seat in the cart. I told him to stop hitting. To which he screamed, "Ouch!! NO HIT!" Grrreeeeaat. I am sure people thought I was hitting him, not the other way around.

I had planned on making stops to two other stores to pick up various things, but decided it would be more prudent to just get them all at Wally World. We picked up some microwave popcorn for a snack for school, and some Pull-Ups. In an effort to eliminate extra outings this week, I decided to pick up a wedding card for my niece. While I was looking at cards, Blake said, "HEY!" And I looked at him. His shirt was on the floor. I put it back on him and went back to the cards. He yelled, "HEY!" again, and we repeated the process ad nauseum. Finally, I found the card I wanted and we headed back to the pharmacy.

We had to wait in line to pick up the prescription. We probably had 15 sets of eyes on us, most people probably wondering why I couldn't control my child. By the time I paid for the prescription, Blake was shirtless again. I told the clerk that my child was clothed when we got there, but he had reached the end of his patience, and when that happens, he strips. "Oh. Ok." was her bewildered reply.

So, one more stop before the relief of reaching the van (and the restraint of the carseat). We had to go through the checkout for our other purchases. This time, Blake kept his shirt on, but threw his sandals at me. I was ever so glad for the end of that lovely errand.

Countdown to 24 hours of respite, aka-my niece's wedding: 4 days, 1 hour and 36 minutes until my cousin comes to watch the kids. :)


Misty said...

I have these little cards that I got from FRAXA that are about the size of a business card. They basically explain Fragile X and I hand them out to people in situations like that. If they are staring at me or Caleb and obviously wondering about his behavior, I just get one from my purse and hand it to them.

Kristiem10 said...

That is a very good idea, and I have considered getting them in the past. I may just have to get some. Sometimes, I just have to shrug it off, and let people think I am a bad mom. I know I do my best for them.

shoeaddict said...

I'm sure it must be double hard- dealing with your children the way you should AND having to deal with people!

At least he didn't get naked naked...

Anonymous said...

just to make you feel a little better...

Matt decided that he wanted to share the new thing he found on his body. I found him one morning in his room naked. He was screaming out the window at the house across the street, "I have a penis." Over and over again. Top that off with the fact that the man who lives across the a cop!!

Matt now changes in my bedroom.

theotherlion said...

i see this in my future. i'm glad you know that no matter what strangers may think, you are a wonderful mommy. cause you are a wonderful mommy.

shoeaddict said...

I read more about fragile-x. I'm wondering how it's specifically affected your boys.

a said...

Sorry you had a challenging "naked" day. Nice, funny recap...we have to laugh it off I guess...But oh, I have a memory of a grocery store visit and white bread...and lots of screaming. In fact, my sister still brings that one up--we were visiting her many moons ago and went to her grocery store...(and she had no children at the time, let alone special children. alas.)