Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A twist on The Family Bed

This morning, Blake got in bed with me and Eric. He was laying beside me and we were talking. He said, "Ouchie! What'd you do?" as he showed me his bangs and bruises. I would ask, "Did you fall down?" even though I already know he did. "Yes, Mommy" he said. "Ah'm Ok" Then he got up and went in his own room. A second later, Drew came in. He said, "What're you doing?" I said, "Laying in bed." to which he replied, "I get in bed with Mommy" I scooted over to make room for him. We talked about going to work, and being in "daddy's bed". Next, Blake came in. He said, "Drew, move over" There was not really room to move, so he went around and got in on Daddy's side of the bed. So, we were all crammed in the bed. We stayed there a few minutes until we realized it was 7:23 and none of us were ready for the day. We all jumped up and rushed around getting ready. But spending a few minutes snuggled together in bed was a nice way to start the day.


Anonymous said...

We do this on the weekends. At 7 a.m. on VH1 on Saturdays they do the top 20 countdown. I'll turn it on in my room and slowly all 4 kids wind up in bed with my hubby and I. It gets a little crammed with 2 adults, a 16, 14, 12 & 9 year old all vying for space and a piece of blanket...but somehow we manage and relish every moment of it. :)

Umma said...

Those are some of my favorite moments! This AM we woke up with Monkey sleeping between us and no idea how long he'd been there!