Monday, January 26, 2009

Blake and his chewy

Lately, Blake has been chewing through his clothes a lot. I know it's not an uncommon Fragile X behavior, but it can be pretty gross. His shirt gets really wet, and he literally makes holes in his clothes. His sleeves of his shirts get shredded and forget about wearing a shirt with a collar. And in Ohio winters, short sleeves aren't really an option. So I tried to think of what I could do to keep him from ruining every piece of clothing he owns. We had this speech therapy tool called a Grabber. It is rubbery and he can chew on it. (If you have a child with FX, you may already be familiar with the Grabber) I wanted him to be able to keep it with him, but not put it on something around his neck. He is clumsy and falls off things a lot, and didn't want him to get strangled. So, I found this lanyard we had and hooked it to the Grabber, and to his belt loop. It worked like a charm. He loves that thing. And he calls it his chewy. In fact, he's already chewed through one of them. I need to order some more of them. But, anyway, I wanted to share our little success with you. Here are a couple pictures of Blake with his chewy:


Jennifer said...

Yay! I'm glad you found something that works.

theotherlion said...

I never thought of one on his belt. We tried the around-the-neck thing, but Punkin hated it. We like the T-shaped ones. Punkin hasn't been able to bite through one yet, though I suspect the yellow one could be bitten through. The other colors are really strong. We have to cut them, though, so that he doesn't gag himself.

Kari said...

Oh, yes, the chewy hammers! We have four of them in the T shape. We don't bite through them yet, but I wouldn't say that couldn't happen. They are expensive too! :-)

Umma said...

We buy tons of the T shaped ones because Monkey does chew through them. The OT at school says he shouldn't be able too but he manages just the same. He won't use any of the other shapes unfortunately because that belt idea is GENIOUS!

Anonymous said...

The P's and Q's are great I love the belt Clip Idea.. I fear Holly might be a chewer.. What do i mean might.. Let's rephrase.. i fear she may not out grow it.

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