Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Helping Daddy

A week ago, Eric was mowing the lawn. Drew said he wanted to help Daddy, and I told him he should just stay in the house with me. (Really I was just being lazy and didn't want to help him get dressed) After some pleading, I gave in and said, "oh, ok." He said, "Thanks, Mom! You're a genius!" Where he came up with that, I do not know. He likes to wander around the yard while Eric mows.

So, on Sunday night, he wanted to help daddy again, and so I let him. They were out there awhile and Eric tapped on the window and pointed to Drew. He had gotten his old toy lawnmower out and was helping Daddy.


fragilemom said...

So cute. And it gives the kids a great sense of pride!

Also, LOVED your entry for Good Friday reflection! I'm going to be posting something from an AW Tozer book I just started. As I see the real issue with America (sin), it makes me sad....but luckily my hope still lies with the promises of Christ! And by "America" I mean all of us...I would never discount my own sins. I'm just glad I have a Savior to go to for complete forgiveness!

Great pics from Easter too!

Umma said...

So cute! I wish they made kid-sized snowblowers, Monkey would love one of these.

I'm not sure he's ever seen a lawnmower, come to think of it. I think our yard guys do our yard with weed whackers. It's that small, lol.

theotherlion said...

=) Awww.

Jodie said...

Looks like Eric needs to put extensions on his mower, so he doesnt have to bend over so much!!