Friday, May 29, 2009


Blake graduated from preschool today. I am proud of him, because he did a really good job. He was nervous when we got there. I was to drop him off with his class, but he clung to me. I stayed with him a couple minutes and left him with his class aide. He switched to clinging to her for awhile. After a couple minutes, though, he sat down in a chair next to his teacher and sucked his thumb.

When they started presenting diplomas, he really liked cheering and clapping for his schoolmates. He was especially excited when it was time for his class to go to the back of the gym. When they called his name, he ran down the aisle into his teacher's arms for a hug. Then he got his diploma and headed over with the rest of his class.

He was quite excited about the "Get Your Wiggles Out" song, and did some of the motions that went along with it. He was not interested in wearing his graduation cap, but that was no biggie.

They had a slideshow with a picture of each child, and finished with a rendering of "This Little Light of Mine" sung in the dark while shining flashlights around. It was pretty cute.

In the van before we went into the building

Blake and Pam, his classroom aide

Receiving a hug and his diploma from Laura, his teacher.

This Little Light of Mine

Blake with Laura and Pam

Eric, Blake and me

Eric came straight from work. My dad rode with us to the ceremony in case Drew had any difficulty with the crowd. When we were walking in, Eric's mom came in, too. My mom showed up when she got finished working. Drew had a great time at the graduation, and seemed interested in what was happening. He liked the songs and clapping for the graduates. He kept saying, "Daddy--clap!" because Eric was not applauding. He had the camcorder in his hand.

After the ceremony, Eric had to go back to work, but the boys and I went with my mom and dad and Eric's mom to Wendy's for lunch. It has been an altogether pleasant day!


theotherlion said...

Congrats, Blake! And hooray for summer!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Blake! Sounds like everything went well :) Here they frown on preschool graduations - not developmentally appropriate. (I agree actually - but parents like them) We had a family picnic at the park for my class this year. Have a great summer!

Chris said...