Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School

Went pretty well, actually. Blake was really excited about it. Drew wasn't excited, but a little nervous. When I got to school for work, I saw him waiting in line to go back inside after recess and he looked fine. He was wandering back and forth a little, but no big deal.

Later I went down the hall and found him sitting on the floor at the base of the stairs with the fourth graders going around him to go upstairs. He saw me and looked a little surprised. I didn't stop or say anything, but just kept going. I later talked to his aide about it, and she said they just had to go back up to get his lunch bag before going to lunch. She said she'd avoid that problem in the future by just bringing his lunch bag to the class before. I thought it was great that she tried to think of a way around the situation.

I later saw him eating his lunch in the cafeteria. I was pretty impressed with that, too. He was sitting off by himself a little bit with his aide with him. And that's ok with me for now. Sitting with new people would have been too overwhelming for him on the first day. It may take awhile until he wants to do that.

I saw Blake at lunch as well. He looked happy as can be. His aide wrote in his communication book that he had a great day.

They both had some transition issues with coming home, but settled down after a couple minutes. I hope today goes as well!


Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

I'm copying your idea of having my boys walk through the halls of their school this week and next week, before school starts officially for them Sept. 8th. Thanks for the great idea! I hope it'll help them be less anxious with the new building. Glad your boys had a good start to school!

Anonymous said...

Blake really looks excited but Drew does look anxious, like tears are near. Mom