Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Morning

I am at home this morning with the boys. We usually leave the boys with my parents while we go to church.  Mom called and said that she felt sick during the night.  She said she felt ok this morning, but wanted us to be aware of it.  I decided to stay home with the kids, just to be on the safe side.  I was concerned that Drew would be upset by the change in plans, but he took it pretty well.  He was mostly concerned that he could watch Pinocchio with the "white" on. 

The boys went to Parents' Night Out last night.  Kelly and Tony's kids went as well.  The four of us went to Cassano's (pizza place) for supper.   Then we all went to Wal-Mart, Staples and ended up at the grocery.  Sounds like a romantic date night, right?  lol.  Anway, $250 later, at least we have our cupboards stocked.  We went to Perkins after the grocery because we had some time to kill, when we got a call from the PNO people looking for Kelly and Tony.  Eric handed the phone over to Tony.  Kyle had thrown up and said his head hurt.  We left right away and picked up the kids. 

Kyle seemed okay when we got there.  He later told Kelly and Tony that he'd been doing lots of somersaults, so they think that may be why his head hurt and he threw up.  He's been fine ever since. 

Drew was happy because he got to see Brian, who says, "Arrrgggh!" (pirate-style) and Bob, who says, "Oh yeah!!!"  Blake was thrilled because one of his favorite friends from preschool came.  Abigail is her name and she is in a wheelchair.  They said Blake ran right up to her and put his hands on her cheeks and talked to her.  They had fun together. 


Lisa said...

Your night out may not have been thrilled-packed, but you have to look at the big picture. You were out for the night without kids!