Monday, August 22, 2011

How picture schedules are improving our lives

1.  I don't have to always answer the question, "What's next?" and, "Where I go?" 

2.  The boys will see me getting it ready and will ask what we are doing.  When I have it completed, I will show it to each of them, reading it to them.  They both watch attentively.

3.  On Saturday morning, I unexpectedly had to watch Kyle and Danielle (my niece and nephew) because of a minor emergency.  I hurriedly made up a schedule for it saying what we were going to do and ending it with "Kyle and Danielle go home" and put it on the fridge.  Drew and Blake seemed ok with it.  After Kyle and Danielle were here a couple hours, I saw Drew go over to the schedule, look it over and go away.  He was calm and didn't have a major problem.  It showed me that he is actually using it and cares what it says. 

4.  We were able to successfully visit Drew and Blake's school on Friday using the schedule. 

Overall, the small amount of work and planning it takes is well worth it.  We've tried very hard to "stick to the schedule" so they learn to trust what it says.  And we're seeing encouraging results.  We will definitely be keeping this up. 


Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood said...
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Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood said...

Kristie, you are an amazing Mom and doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work!

Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

is it a velcro picture schedule? How do you quick make up pictures -- just use pictures of the people, or what?

Do they not pick the pictures off the schedule and carry them around and lose them? That's what my boys do. Drives me crazy.

Kristiem10 said...

is it a velcro picture schedule? Yes, it is velcro.

How do you quick make up pictures -- just use pictures of the people, or what? Well, we received a laminated board and some picture symbols when we went to that behavior conference in St. Louis. The pictures come from Boardmaker software. We are hoping to get Boardmaker sometime this week.

Do they not pick the pictures off the schedule and carry them around and lose them? That's what my boys do. Drives me crazy.

Nope, they haven't taken them off so far. I guess we are blessed in that regard.

Lisa said...

It sounds like an innovative, yet simple solution. Sure you have more time in planning upfront, but look how much hassle it saves you throughout the day. Great job Mom!