Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yesterday, Blake's aide told me he didn't eat his lunch at all, and he seemed a little clingy. I checked on him when I was done lunch lady-ing it and he seemed ok. Calm, but ok. So, when he got home, he had a baked potato. Then he went out to eat with Eric, Drew and their grandpa Meyer. He ate a grilled cheese. He went to bed. This morning, he got up and threw up twice.

Eric called in from work to stay home with him. I went in to work, and brought a delivery to the high school. When I got there, my boss said to call the office right away. I did, and Drew's school had called to tell me that Drew was not acting right. He went back and forth from laughing hysterically to crying like crazy. They were afraid he was having a seizure. I told his aide that Eric was home with Blake today, so she said she could bring Drew home to him. I tried to call Eric, but there was no answer. Thankfully, we only live a couple blocks from the high school, so I stopped at home on my way back to the elementary to let him know what was going on.

He said Drew was ok all day. No strange behavior, but he didn't eat much. They had haircut appointments at seven tonight. Drew said he was not going. I guess he knew something we didn't, because a minute before they were going to leave, he threw up all over the place.

I will be taking off work tomorrow to stay with Drew for sure. Blake has been ok since this morning. I guess I'll play it by ear and see if anything happens with him tonight or tomorrow morning before deciding for sure what to do.

I figure I'll have it by morning. I always get it when they're sick. I am not excited.


Anonymous said...

Poor babies. Hope they get well soon :)