Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day/Sick Day/PT Conferences

Drew's school got canceled due to snow, and Blake is home sick. So, we're hanging out at home today.

Last night we had parent-teacher conference with Blake's special ed teacher. She was impressed with his learning this year. The main thing she wanted to address was his maladaptive behaviors. Sometimes during transitions, he throws himself on the floor and kicks and hits at his aide. We are going to attempt to use a transition item to help him through his anxiety during that time. For instance, when he goes to the computer lab, they are going to have something to deliver to the media specialist in exchange for receiving his headphones. At the library, they are going to give him a bag of heavy books to carry to the librarian. He likes to have jobs, so we're hoping the combination of giving him a sense of purpose with a little heavy work will help alleviate this behavior. We also asked the special ed teacher to send out a memo to staff asking them to instruct their students to ignore Blake's behavior if they see him acting out in the hallway. Overall, it was a good appointment and hopefully a productive one at that.